The maintenance of campus order and the making of campus harmony: The role of Communist and Youth League organizations in preventing undergraduates from criminal actions 维护校园稳定共建和谐校园&论党团组织在预防大学生被害中的作用
The combination of sciences, skills, and beliefs directed to the maintenance and improvement of the health of all the people through collective or social actions. 是通过集体的或社会的行动,以维护和促进全民健康为目标的科学、技能和观念。
Reliability centered maintenance ( RCM) is a systematic method for critical components of critical equipment to determine maintenance actions. RCM是一种针对关键设备的关键组件(部件)设置维修活动的系统化方法。
For the maintenance of the justice of procedure in the criminal reconnaissance, when Criminal Law is amended, procedural illegal actions should be checked by perfecting the legal system. 为了维护刑事侦查阶段的程序正义,我国将来在修改刑事诉讼法时应当从完善法制的角度来遏制侦查阶段的程序性违法行为。
The issues involved with such deals often include retail price maintenance, division of territory and clientele, bundling and other various actions that may disrupt normal market competition. 其中涉及的衍生课题包括转售价格固定,限制区域和客户,搭售等等对市场正常竞争秩序产生影响的行为,并且在外国已有诸多可供借鉴的案例。
In order to reduce the shut down loss caused by the frequently preventive maintenance of the units, several preventive maintenance actions of different units are performed together to make the intervals between preventive maintenance actions performed on the system always within a certain range. 为减少部件频繁维修带来的停机损失,将多个部件的维修作业进行有效归并,使设备进行预防性维修的间隔总是介于一定的范围内。